Monday, August 19, 2019


                                  The night walkers

                           - Chapter one -

                               The Driver

    It was twelve past eleven, Erik Lander was sitting inside his car feeling miserable, the moon was so high acting like a flashlight making the beautiful gem on the  wed ring he was holding, shine. Erik was still aghast, his hands slowly trembling in a mixture of hate and disbelieve. Adrian was the love of his life, but it seen that it wasn't a mutual affection, he realized that when she hit his face with the ring about two hours ago when he was about to ask her to move in with him,maybe in a couple months get married , have kid and get it on with the dream life that he always longed for. 
    His dreams had collapsed, shattered in a million broken pieces. Adrian answer for a big no.
      There was nothing to do now but to sit there, try to calm down,put himself together and try to figure out how to keep up with life.
 In his stomach he felt the same emptiness,the same void that filled his soul. He opened the glove compartment of his car, throwing the ring inside of it, he had to find a way to move on with life. That ring only had a monetary value now, he could only fell a void when he looked to it, the felling that he was getting dragged down like water goes down the drain And like water always move to the oceans he had to figure out a way out of this and move on .
  Inside the glove compartment Erik stumbles upon his revolver a six-bullet Crosman. The cold metal of the gun in his hands and the dark thoughts running through his mind tonight are not the perfect match. This could be the easy way out. One bullet and that's it.
      " No!"  He says out loud. Erik has never the kind of person to give up so easily. He would love Adrian forever, but he was not like this or the kind of a man that force his will.
   He would just accept the situation as it is and that was it.He takes one last look at the gun, as in an old western movie, he spin the revolver's cylinder, making it sound like the wheel of fortune and throws it back into the glove compartment.
"Time to go home".

     He checks his songs before starting the car.Creed is on the play list. This encouraged me to start the engine and head back home . After ten blocks, there is still a black Jeep Cherokee on his tail.

  " What the heck? Is this car following me?-Why?" He looks surprised.

  One Last Breath, is a favorite song and it  seems the perfect tune for this whole situation. His strong  hands squeeze the wheel of the car. My teeth clench in anger and I rev up the engine of my 1969 FORD MUSTANG BOSS 429.
     " You just picked  the perfect night to mess with me".

 In a sudden movement they overtake my car and I have to brake. Two tugs wearing black suits get out of the car pointing guns at me. (To be continued).

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